Board of Trustees

A Board of Trustees is appointed to support and advise the Archive Management regarding the archive's academic activities.

It is currently composed of the following members:

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Kilcher
    ETH Zurich, D-GESS, President
  • Prof. Dr. Ursula Amrein
    University of Zurich, Deutsches Seminar
  • Prof. Dr. Yahya Elsaghe
    University of Bern, Institute of Germanic Languages and Literatures
  • Michael Gasser
    ETH Zurich, ETH Library
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Honold
    University of Basel, Deutsches Seminar
  • Dr. Dr. habil. Stefan Mann
    BLW, Agroscope, representative of the Mann family
  • PD Dr. Irmgard Wirtz Eybl
    Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek, Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv
  • Prof. Dr. Sandro Zanetti
    University of Zurich, AVL