Educational programme

In addition to exhibitions, public tours and events, the Thomas Mann Archive offers special event formats for university seminar groups and students as well as for school classes and teachers.

Seminar groups and students

The Thomas Mann Archive familiarises students with the basics of archival work. In addition to practical introductions (research in the archive database, handling of archival materials), topic-related workshops are also offered (e.g. on the creation of a novel).

Students receive individual introductions upon request. Please contact us.

School classes and teachers

The Thomas Mann Archive offers groups from secondary and vocational schools, grammar schools and adult education centres a first insight into the work of a literary archive. Our workshops show the archive as an extracurricular place of learning and provide access to one of the most famous German writers.

Teachers are supported in conducting particularly practical and vivid German lessons.

Discover our Download school offers (PDF, 1.6 MB). We are also happy to address your concerns individually.

To the booking request