Consultation and research

Please note the following information to use the archive as effectively as possible. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or telephone.


The virtual reading room, the E-Pics image database and external page ETH Library @ swisscovery enable comprehensive research in the Thomas Mann Archive's collection.

Traces of reading in Thomas Mann's library estate can be researched and displayed in the database. For legal reasons, the service is currently only accessible in the Thomas Mann Archive's virtual reading room.

Virtual Reading Room

In the Thomas Mann Archives' Virtual Reading Room, you can conduct research anonymously, as a registered user, or as an identified user. To order and consult materials, you must at least register and, if necessary, authenticate yourself. To learn more about the advantages of registered and identified users for research and access, see Registering and Identifying.

Consult Materials

Documents from the Thomas Mann Archive can be consulted digitally in the Virtual Reading Room or in the Reading Room.

Consult online
If a digital copy is available, you can consult it in the Virtual Reading Room. If copyrights or other restrictions are still in force, you must submit a request for inspection before consulting the document online.

Consult in the Reading Room
If a digital copy is available, the consultation is generally carried out digitally. In justified individual cases, the original can be consulted in the reading room. Analogue documents must be ordered at least 2 working days in advance. Please note our opening hours.

Library holdings

The Library holdings comprising the special collection of printed media on everything to do with Thomas Mann can be searched via external page ETH Library @ swisscovery.

external page The entire holdings of Thomas Mann's personal library

The entire holdings of Katia Mann's personal library