Thomas Mann at ETH Zurich

How did the link between the author and ETH Zurich come about?

One reason was the good relationship between the Mann family and Karl Schmid, the Rector of ETH Zurich at the time. A theatre enthusiast, Thomas Mann had "always" had a "soft spot" for Schmid's wife, the actress Elsie Attenhofer (Thomas Mann's diary entry, 3 November 1952). And as a specialist in German philology, Schmid spotted the opportunity to have a "leading international literary figure" outside the gates of his own city.   

Enlarged view: On part of ETH Zurich, Karl Schmid awarded Thomas Mann an "Honorary Doctorate in Science" to commemorate his eightieth birthday in 1955. Photo: Thomas Mann Archives
On part of ETH Zurich, Karl Schmid awarded Thomas Mann an "Honorary Doctorate in Science" to commemorate his eightieth birthday in 1955. Photo: Thomas Mann Archive

Thomas Mann thanked the Rector of ETH Zurich in a high-spirited letter dated 9 June 1955 for the "completely unexpected document, which you presented to me with these words: to now be connected to the 'only federal university' so honourably for evermore. Believe me, to quote from Hamlet, the thought permanently 'sits smiling to my heart'."

When Mann died two months later, his widow, Katia, immediately continued the good ties with ETH Zurich. Golo Mann recalled that the community of heirs' decision to donate Thomas Mann's personal papers to the whole of Switzerland had been his father's express wish: "But his heart belonged to Switzerland […]. His last address was here […]; his very last address, the memorial, was to be held here […]" (Golo Mann: BlTMG 3 (1962), 24).

As the link to ETH Zurich had already been established with the presentation of the honorary doctorate and in light of the fact that it is also a nationwide university, the heirs were quick to choose ETH Zurich. Barely a year after Thomas Mann's death, the Swiss Federal Council signed the deed of donation and ETH Zurich founded the Thomas Mann Archive.