New anniversary platform to mark 150 years of Thomas Mann

To mark the 150th anniversary of Thomas Mann's birthday on 6 June 2025, the Thomas Mann International network,  which includes the Thomas Mann Archive of the ETH Library, is launching an anniversary platform.

After the year 2024 was dominated by the 100th anniversary of Thomas Mann's masterpiece ‘Der Zauberberg’, the year 2025 will be dedicated to the 150th birthday of Thomas Mann. The opportunity will be taken to shed light on Mann in his various roles - as a citizen, artist, critic, exile and family man. In addition, space will be created for controversial discussions and a critical examination of the ‘Mann myth’.

International online hub for all events
The external page website was created as a platform and central point of contact for all anniversary events worldwide. It offers information on readings, exhibitions and discussion forums in German and English. The aim is to make Thomas Mann's literary legacy accessible to a broad and international audience.

Thomas Mann International brings together leading Thomas Mann institutions, including the Buddenbrookhaus in Lübeck, the Monacensia in the Hildebrandhaus in Munich, the Thomas Mann Archive of the ETH Library, the Thomas Mann House in Los Angeles and the Thomo Manno Kultūros Centras in Lithuania, as well as S. Fischer Verlag and the German Thomas Mann Society.