Additional tours for the 150th birthday of Thomas Mann
To mark the 150th anniversary of Thomas Mann's birth, the Thomas Mann Archive is offering additional tours of the ETH main building. Register to find out more about the writer in his many roles – now also at weekends.

As part of the 150th anniversary of Thomas Mann's birth and due to high demand, the Thomas Mann Archive is offering several additional tours from February to July 2025 in the permanent exhibition ‘The Furnishings of a Writer’ in the ETH main building. In these, you will learn more about Thomas Mann's life as a citizen, artist, critic, exile and family man. Weekend tours are now also offered.
You can find all dates in the events calendar on the homepage of the Thomas Mann Archive. Registration is required and costs CHF 10 per person.
International online hub for all events
The external page external page website was created as a platform and central point of contact for all anniversary events worldwide. It offers information on readings, exhibitions and discussion forums in German and English.