News archive 2012 to 2019
16 December 2019
Third Thomas Mann Lecture held successfully

On 27 November, the third Thomas Mann Lecture at ETH Zurich was held. The lecture focussed on the visual media that Thomas Mann used very early and consciously for his public self-portrayal as an author.
24 October 2019 to 19 January 2020
"Thomas Mann in Amerika" Exhibition at Strauhof

In cooperation with the Thomas Mann Archive and the German Literature Archive Marbach, the exhibition "external page Thomas Mann in Amerika" will take place at Zurich's Strauhof from 24 October 2019 to 19 January 2020.
Download Event Flyer (PDF, 126 KB)(German only)
10 September 2019
Thomas Mann manuscripts online

Digitized manuscripts, typescripts, notes, drafts, working materials and letters of the Nobel laureate in Literature are being made accessible to the public in stages. New items now accessible online include the documents available in the archives on the creation of Thomas Mann’s “Königliche Hoheit” (‘Royal Highness’) novel, the early stories, the essays from the years 1914 to 1926 and the letters from the period from 1914 to 1923.
An overview of all documents accessible online can be found on the website of the Thomas Mann Archives.
More of these personal papers will be made available online gradually over the coming years. Up to now, it was only possible for users to research the metadata for these documents. For legal reasons, it was only possible to view the digitized originals in the reading room of the Thomas Mann Archives.
The online offering has been developed by the Thomas Mann Archives in agreement and collaboration with the heirs and their spokesperson Prof. Dr. Frido Mann as well as with external page S.Fischer Verlag, which has been publishing the works of Thomas Mann since 1897. See also the current article at external page
ETH Zurich's Thomas Mann Archives safeguard and maintain Thomas Mann's literary legacy, which they have been mediating for academic research and the interested public since they were founded in 1956. Additions are constantly made to the holdings.
From 28 April to 3 November 2019
Thomas Mann's original writing tool in Hesse-Mann double exhibition

From 28 April to 3 November 2019, an original Thomas Mann fountain pen, including a marble holder and inkwell, will be on display in the exhibition "Wortkünstler. Weltbürger. Weggenosse. Hermann Hesse & Thomas Mann" at the Hermann Hesse Museum in Calw.
external page Information about the exhibition
From 4 to 7 September 2019
International workshop at ETH Zurich and University of Basel
From 4 to 7 September 2019, the international workshop "Death in Venice at the Crossroads of Discourses - Text Analytical Contributions to Intercultural Literary Mediation" took place with the participation of Japanese and Thai researchers. The first panel, "Aesthetic Signatures and Contexts", was held in the Thomas Mann Archive. After lectures given by Katrin Bedenig ("The Function of Colours in Death in Venice") and Yoshiko Hayami ("Political Connotations in Death in Venice and Doctor Faustus", Yokohama University), originals from the holdings of the Thomas Mann Archive on Death in Venice and Reception in Japan were shown and the exhibition of the author's last study was visited. The exciting intercultural research exchange took into account Thomas Mann's high resonance in Asia.
Download Workshop Flyer (German only) (PDF, 451 KB)
7 July 2019
Annual Report 2018

With the Annual Report 2018, the Thomas Mann Archive presents a review of the events of the past year as well as facts and figures.
Download To the Annual Report 2018 (PDF, 4.2 MB) (German only)
1 July 2019
Thomas Mann's agate slice at ETH Zurich's Collection of Prints and Drawings

As part of the exhibition "Through walls and layers. Cross Sections in Art and Science" the agate slice Thomas Mann used on his desk can be seen. The exhibition at ETH Zurich’s Collection of Prints and Drawings runs from 2 May to 30 June 2019:
There will be two special events related to Thomas Mann:
- "The Agate Disk by Thomas Mann" Art on Monday noon, 27 May 12:30-13:00
- "In Focus-The Cut as a Universal Principle of Images Tuesday, June 18 18:30-19:30
1 July 2019
Thomas Mann in America exhibition in Marbach
In cooperation with ETH Zurich’s Thomas Mann Archives, the exhibition external page Thomas Mann in America will take place at the German Literature Archive Marbach from 22 November 2018 to 30 June 2019.
20 June 2019
Thomas Mann, the Nobel Prize and the European idea

Talk at the “Prix Nobel: un esprit européen” congress
The Head of the Thomas Mann Archives, Dr Katrin Bedenig, gave a presentation at an international congress on “external page Prix Nobel: un esprit européen” in Mulhouse (France) on 20 June. The title of her talk was “Thomas Mann as Nobel Prize Winner and his Way to European Thought”, in which she examined the story of Thomas Mann as a Nobel Prize winner in the political climate of the interwar period, the Second World War and the Cold War, as well as his reflections on a modern, open Europe. The talk is set to be published in a conference volume.
05 April 2019
Marginalia in Thomas Mann’s library digitally

At the end of March 2019, the project to index and digitise the marginalia in Thomas Mann’s personal library was completed.
The project’s goals were to digitise all books with marginalia, index the treasures they contain and enable them to be searched via a search interface. The project examined around 2,600 copies – approximately 60% of the author’s entire library – which contain handwritten notes, markings and underlining, dedications or owner’s marks. Thanks to a user interface which had been honed especially for the project, the digitised marginalia are now accessible to the public. For legal reasons, the new service is currently only available in the Thomas Mann Archives reading room.
The three-year project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation was realised as a collaboration between the Thomas Mann Archives, IT Services and ETH Library’s DigiCenter, as well as the Chair of Literary and Cultural Studies at ETH Zurich.
31 March 2019
Temporary location

Building HCP/G level
Room no. 21.1–24.2
Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg 4
8093 Zurich
14 March 2019
Closing event of the project "Nachlasssbibliothek"

After three years in the making, the project “Thomas Mann Nachlassbibliothek” will draw to a close at the end of March. All the books with notes from Thomas Mann’s personal library have now been digitised and the handwritten annotations that they contain individually recorded. Around 80 guests celebrated this milestone in the Semper Aula at ETH Zurich on 14 March 2019. Dr. Dr. habil. Stefan Mann, a great-grandson of the author, gave a refreshing speech at the event about the opportunities of digitisation.
From April 2019, the digitised books will be accessible to the public in a new search tool in the Thomas Mann Archives reading room.
30 January 2019
Photograph exhibition by Ina Jungmann
The German-American photographer external page Ina Jungmann (*1985) is presenting her series Thomas Mann’s House in Pacific Palisades in a special exhibition at ETH Zurich’s Thomas Mann Archives external page to mark the reopening of the Thomas Mann House.
21 November 2018 – 30 January 2019
18 December 2018
Review of the second Thomas Mann Lecture
On 21 November, the second Thomas Mann Lecture was held in the Semper Aula. It focused on Thomas Mann’s exile in the USA. The speaker Stanley Corngold from Princeton University spoke about the period from 1938 to 1941, when Thomas Mann spent the majority of his time in Princeton.
During the lecture, entitled Thomas Mann im Lichte unserer Erfahrung. Zum amerikanischen Exil, Corngold showed the author’s work from the time in a contemporary light. Without making the mistake of comparing the past with the present, he highlighted the currentness of Thomas Mann’s statements against National Socialism regarding the present political climate in Europe.
Corngold also told entertaining and impressive anecdotes from Mann’s everyday life in Princeton. For instance, the audience learned that Mann phoned Einstein, who was also living in Princeton, to discuss the political events in Europe and that in a diary entry he dismissed the meal he had been served during a visit to the White House as “ordinary”.
Thanks to the combination of Thomas Mann’s private and public life, Corngold brought the author’s ideas into the present and afforded a vivid insight into his person.
The complete second Thomas Mann Lecture was recorded and can be viewed on external page ETH Library’s YouTube channel.
30 November 2018
Meeting of the Network Thomas Mann International at ETH Zurich's Villa Hatt

On Thursday and Friday, 29 and 30 November 2018, representatives from five institutions have met at the invitation of the Thomas Mann Archives (Lübeck: Buddenbrookhaus, Munich: Monacensia in the Hildebrandhaus, Nidden/Lithuania: Thomas Mann Cultural Centre, Pacific Palisades/USA: Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e.V., Zurich/Switzerland: Thomas Mann Archive of ETH Zurich). They all are preserving Thomas Mann's work or his intellectual heritage at various stages of his life.
30 November 2018
Hosts of the Thomas Mann International network meeting
At the end of November, ETH Zurich’s Thomas Mann Archives will be holding the first meeting against the backdrop of “Thomas Mann International. Das Netzwerk der Mann-Häuser”.
The following institutions will be involved:
- Buddenbrookhaus/Heinrich-und-Thomas-Mann-Zentrum (Lübeck/Germany)
- Monacensia im Hildebrandhaus (Munich/Germany)
- ETH Zurich’s Thomas Mann Archives (Zurich/Switzerland)
- Thomas Mann House (Pacific Palisades/USA, Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e. V.)
- Thomo Manno kultūros centras/Thomas Mann Cultural Centre (Nida/Lithuania)
21 November 2018
Thomas Mann Lecture

The second Thomas Mann Lecture will take place on 21 November 2018 at 18:00.
Professor Stanley A. Corngold, Princeton University, will speak on "Thomas Mann im Lichte unserer Erfahrung. Zum amerikanischen Exil."
Review of the second Thomas Mann Lecture
19 November 2018
Conference "Randkulturen"
From 15 - 17 November 2018 the conference "Randkulturen" will take place. It offers a series of lectures on Thomas Mann's own library and presents the current digitisation project on Thomas Mann's estate library.
16 October 2018
Opening Thomas Mann House in Pacific Palisades
On 19 June 2018, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier ceremoniously opened the former Thomas Mann residence in Pacific Palisades (California). The German government acquired the property at the end of 2016 and saved the house from demolition. The Thomas Mann Villa will be used as a place of culture and commemoration in the future.
Numerous media reported on the opening and used photos from the Thomas Mann Archive from E-Pics, including:
- external page ZDF Morgenmagazin
- external page SWR3
- external page Neue Zürcher Zeitung
- external page Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Thomas Mann House: external page Programme of the opening event and external page history of the house
9 September 2018
Exhibition "Die Manns und das Meer"

From 24 August to 9 September 2018, the exhibition "Die Manns und das Meer" in the external page Freya-Frahm-Haus in Laboe showed 19 photographs of the Thomas Mann Archive. The exhibition was curated by Uwe Naumann.
04 September 2018
Thomas Mann manuscripts online

Thomas-Mann-Archiv Online now offers access to digitised original documents such as manuscripts, typescripts, notes, drafts, work materials and letters by the Nobel Prize Winner for Literature. In an initial step, extensive documents on the origins of Thomas Mann’s Buddenbrooks and the four-volume novel Joseph and His Brothers can be accessed, along with his notebooks, essays from 1893 to 1914, and letters from the period 1889 to 1913. Over the next few years, additional sections of his literary legacy will be included successively.
Read the background to this in the external page interview with Katrin Bedenig (Head of the Thomas Mann Archives) and Roland Spahr (Editor at S. Fischer Verlag) in the online magazine S. Fischer Hundertvierzehn.
9 July 2018
The correction sheet of Thomas Mann's "Der Zauberberg"
A correction sheet by Thomas Mann for the first edition of the novel "Der Zauberberg" could be purchased. The first edition was published on 28.11.1924 in two volumes and was soon out of print. Since the manuscript of "Der Zauberberg" was lost in Munich during the Second World War, these handwritten corrections by the author are of additional importance.
16 June 2018
Thomas Mann Archives move to ETH Zurich main building

The Executive Board of ETH Zurich has decided to move the Thomas Mann Archives to the main building at Rämistrasse 101 at the turn of the year 2020/2021.
The exhibition of Thomas Mann's study and other multi-purpose exhibition rooms will be located on the E-floor of the main building. Together with the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich, these additional exhibition spaces in the east wing will form a new central point of attraction for the public interested in culture and science.
The Thomas Mann Archives are currently temporarily housed in an ETH building on Hönggerberg. The institution is an archive, research centre and exhibition all rolled into one. Specialists and the interested public can access it free of charge.
Sunday, 3 May, 10.00 to 16.00
Look, experience, participate
Cultural Heritage at ETH Zurich
It's the European Cultural Heritage year 2018!
The Thomas Mann Archives participate on 3 June in ETH Zurich's mainbuilding with:
- Graphik trifft Literatur. Dürers "Melencolia", Thomas Manns "Doktor Faustus" und das "Magische Quadrat"
- Deutschland Adieu! Thomas Manns Exilsbeginn 1933 in Arosa
Daily programme and further information
Download Programme flyer (German) (PDF, 1.9 MB)
24 April 2018
New acquisition of manuscripts by Thomas Mann

Three extraordinary manuscripts were acquired at the Zurich Antiquarian Book Fair: three original letters from Thomas Mann to the publishing house S. Fischer Verlag containing corrections for the novel "Doctor Faustus" (published in 1947).
Further information to the manuscript
12 April 2018
Blog post about Thomas Mann's Joseph novels
10 April 2018
Digital Humanities in the Thomas Mann Archives
How Thomas Mann's private library becomes a research database

Tour by the Thomas Mann Archives
23 December 2016 to 14 April 2017 and
19 June 2017 to 20 October 2017
Extended to 13 April 2018
Thomas Mann & Erwin Schrödinger – Lebenswende in Arosa

The external page Heimatmuseum Arosa-Schanfigg shows the double exhibition "Thomas Mann & Erwin Schrödinger – Lebenswende in Arosa" with facsimiles from the holding of the Thomas Mann Archives.
21 December 2017
New consolidation of Thomas Mann network

The new network titled "Thomas Mann International. Das Netzwerk der Mann-Häuser" was commonly founded on Thursday, 21 December 2017.
At a symposium in Lübeck, five institutions from four countries, reflecting the essential life stations of the writer and Nobel laureate, joined forces to form the common Thomas Mann network:
- Buddenbrookhaus / Heinrich and Thomas Mann Center, Lübeck, Germany
- Monacensia in the Hildebrandhaus, Munich, Germany
- Thomas Mann Archives of ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
- Thomo Manno kultūros centras / Thomas Mann Cultural Center, Nida, Lithuania and
- Thomas Mann House, Pacific Palisades, USA, Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e.V.
The transnational association of these institutions is a novelty.
In the future, the institutions want to jointly promote cooperation in various event formats as well as in the fields of science and exhibition. They will contribute their respective expertise as archives, libraries, museums, cultural centres, residences and places of remembrance.
ETH Zurich's Thomas Mann Archives welcome the joint initiative and look forward to participating in the network.
Brochure "Netzwerk der Mann-Häuser" in German (PDF, 3.1 MB)
13 December 2017
First Thomas Mann Lecture
Opening talk

Prof. Russell A. Berman, Stanford University
Starting from the dichotomy of artist/citizen, the talk tackles the questions as to how much civil society has to do with culture, how freedom of art affects political freedom and what threats freedom faces today. The lecture forges an arc through the complete works of Thomas Mann and focuses on Thomas Mann in the current context as an author of freedom in unfree times.
12 December 2017
Thomas Mann, ganz privat
Martin Ebel reports about the external page new image database of the Thomas Mann Archive in "Zoom. Der Fotoblog" (in German).
4 September 2017
New Thomas Mann Archives catalogue on E-Pics
2,000 photographs on Thomas Mann freely accessible

The Thomas Mann Archives are rendering around 2,000 copyright-free images publicly accessible via the platform E-Pics. The main subjects include portraits of Thomas Mann and members of the Mann-Pringsheim family, family scenes and holidays, e.g. in Nidden. Moreover, public appearances such as lecture tours to Eastern Europe or New York and also the period of exile in Switzerland and in the USA are documented.
The photographs span a period from the mid-19th century to the 1950s. Some of them were previously unpublished, such as shots of the siblings and the (female) relatives of Katia Mann or photograph albums.
The roughly 2,000 copyright-free photographs can be used freely (provided the image credits are indicated correctly) and can be downloaded in high resolution. Images that are still under copyright can be searched for and viewed in the Thomas Mann Archives reading room. The legal situation permitting, the Thomas Mann Archives gradually renders them publicly accessible in the E-Pics Thomas Mann Archives catalogue.
E-Pics is ETH Zurich’s platform for images, photographs and illustrations.
11 July 2017
Tour: Thomas Manns Roman "Joseph und seine Brüder"

Die öffentliche Abendveranstaltung vom Dienstag, 11. Juli von 18.15 bis 19.15 Uhr, gibt Einblick in Thomas Manns Arbeitsweise bei der Joseph-Tetralogie anhand ausgewählter Beispiele aus der Bild- und Materialiensammlung des Autors.
Treffpunkt: Thomas-Mann-Archiv, ETH Zürich Hönggerberg, Gebäude HCP, Eingang G, Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg 4. Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.
9 /10 June 2017
Panel discussion and edit-a-thon

The relationship between academia and Wikipedia is ambivalent and not without its sceptics. On the International Archives Day (9 June 2017), a panel will discuss which contributions archives can make in this controversial area with representatives of research, Wikimedia/Wikipedia and archives.
Afterwards, there will be an evening external page Wikipedia edit-a-thon, which will continue on 10 June. It offers an ideal opportunity to write or enhance articles with the help of experienced Wikipedians and thus contribute your own specialist knowledge to Wikipedia.
The Thomas Mann Archives provide theme proposals and materials for the writing workshop. Interested parties are welcome! We look forward to your participation!
Further information is available on the ETH Zurich's website Swiss Archives Day 2017.
18 May 2017
Panel discussion on correspondence Thomas Mann – Stefan Zweig

The director of the Stefan Zweig Center Salzburg, Klemens Renoldner, welcomes Katrin Bedenig and Franz Zeder to talk about the correspondence between Thomas Mann and Stefan Zweig.
Thursday, 18 May 2017, 19.30
12 May 2017
Unsere Stimmen werden gehört werden Thomas Mann und Stefan Zweig

The Literaturhaus München will conduct a external page panel discussion with a reading on the edition of the correspondence between Thomas Mann and Stefan Zweig, edited by the Thomas Mann Archives.
10 February 2017 to 7 May 2017
Schreibrausch – Faszination Inspiration

The Literaturmuseum external page Strauhof shows in an exhibition on the authors' writing habits, also originals from the Thomas Mann Archive.
Download Exhibition flyer (German) (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Zürichsee-Zeitung: external page Wo sich der Duft von Zigarren und Büchern vermischte
Download Download (PDF, 568 KB)
31 March 2017
Film event and panel discussion: short film "Deutschland Adieu!"

Director Thomas Gull presents the short film "Deutschland Adieu!" about the first days of Thomas Mann's exile in Arosa 1933.
The film shows, among other things, original documents from the Thomas Mann Archives, interviewed the exile expert Prof. Dr. Ursula Amrein to literary and historical context and gives an insight into previously unknown historical film footage. Following the film presentation, Thomas Gull will present a discussion about Thomas Mann's exile beginning in Switzerland with Ursula Amrein and Katrin Bedenig.
The event will be in German.
Friday, 31 March 2017, 18.00
Location: external page Main building of ETH Zurich, room E 22
Organizer: Thomas Mann Society Zurich
Download Background report by Thomas Gull in German (PDF, 737 KB)
2 March 2017
Schreibroutinen: Thomas Mann

Katrin Bedenig from the Thomas Mann Archives presents in context to the exhibition "Schreibrausch" in the external page Strauhof Thomas Mann's working methods .
Thursday, 2 March 2017, 18.00
29 January 2017
Weder Freunde noch Feinde

For the edition of the correspondence between Thomas Mann and Stefan Zweig in the Thomas Mann series, published by the Thomas Mann Archives, a review by Arnaldo Benini was published in the NZZ on Sunday, 29 January 2017.
27 January 2017
Book launch: Das Haus der Familie Mann

The authors Aaron Estermann and Maximilian Rück will be presenting their book "Das Haus der Familie Mann. Ein Rundgang zwischen Literatur und Wirklichkeit" ("The Mann Family's House. A Tour between Literature and Reality") with numerous historical photographs, blueprints, literary references and biographical sources.
Friday, 3 February 2017, 18.00
external page ETH Zurich's main building, Room E 33.1
Organiser: Thomas Mann Society Zurich
Download Event flyer (in German) (PDF, 958 KB)
1 September 2016

Thursday, 1 September
9.15 to 15.30
ETH Zurich, external page main building,
Further information (in German)
Thomas Mann Archive: reopening on the Hönggerberg
11 July 2016

The Thomas Mann Archive has been on modern temporary premises on the Hönggerberg campus since 11 July. The reading room and Thomas Mann's last study can be visited with extended opening times.
To coincide with the move, we have also modernised our website, where we present the latest news on our activities in a new design.
Once the building has been fully renovated, the University of Zurich will find a new purpose for the Bodmer-Haus, where the Thomas Mann Archive was housed from 1961. The Thomas Mann Archive is scheduled to move to a new, permanent site in ETH Zurich's main building in the medium term.
›Tod und Amüsement‹. Thomas Mann: ›Der Zauberberg‹
March to June 2016
Das Literaturhaus München zeigt vom 16. März bis 26. Juni 2016 in seiner "Zauberberg"-Ausstellung zahlreiche faksimilierte Dokumente aus dem Thomas-Mann-Archiv.
Abendführung: Thomas Mann in der Fotografie
18 May 2016
In der öffentlichen Abendveranstaltung vom Dienstag, 31. Mai von 18.15 bis 19.15 Uhr, wird anhand prägnanter Bildbeispiele der Schriftsteller im Spiegel seiner fotografischen Inszenierung vorgestellt.
Treffpunkt: Thomas-Mann-Archiv, Schönberggasse 15. Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Die Zürcher Museen fahren Tram
14 April 2016
Ins Museum gehen oder lieber Tramfahren? In Zürich können Sie jetzt beides kombinieren. Denn seit 14. April fährt ein Tram der VBZ, das mit Bildern, Texten und einem Audioguide über die Zürcher Museen informiert.
Auch das Thomas-Mann-Archiv ist mit an Bord. Nummer 27 im Audioguide berichtet übrigens über Thomas Mann.
Hedwig Dohm in der Ausstellung "Berlin – Stadt der Frauen"
24 February 2016
Vom 17. März bis 28. August 2016 porträtiert das Berliner Stadtmuseum 20 prominente Frauen Berlins.
Eine der Biographien gilt der Schriftstellerin und Frauenrechtlerin Hedwig Dohm, der Grossmutter Katia Manns. In der Ausstellung ist ein Porträt Hedwig Dohms von Franz von Lenbach aus den Beständen des Thomas-Mann-Archivs zu sehen.
external page Weitere Informationenzu "Berlin – Stadt der Frauen"
Rätsel-App zu Thomas Mann
3 February 2016
Im Thomas-Mann-Archiv können Sie nun Ihr Wissen testen. Noch bis Juni 2016 steht die kostenlose Thomas-Mann-Rätsel-App zur Verfügung. Sie wurde von zwei Doktoranden an der ETH Zürich entwickelt und stellt fünf Objekte der Ausstellung kreativ und spannend vor.
Thomas Mann und Willy Brandt
1 February 2016
Am Dienstag, 5. April, 18 Uhr findet ein Vortrag "Thomas Mann und Willy Brandt", gehalten von Prof. Hans R. Vaget, statt.
Hauptgebäude der ETH Zürich, Raum E 22
Veranstalter: external page Thomas Mann Gesellschaft Zürich
Feierliche Einweihung von Thomas-Mann-Archiv Online
27 October 2015
Am Dienstag, 17. November, 18 Uhr, laden das Thomas-Mann-Archiv und die ETH-Bibliothek zur feierlichen Einweihung von Thomas-Mann-Archiv Online in der Semper-Aula (HG G60) ein. Anschliessend Apéro riche im Foyer der Aula.
"Prophetie oder Verherrlichung des Bösen? Thomas Mann und der späte Nietzsche"
15 October 2015
Der Vortrag ist aus gesundheitlichen Gründen abgesagt!
Am Mittwoch, 25. November 2015, 18 Uhr findet ein Vortrag "Prophetie oder Verherrlichung des Bösen? Thomas Mann und der späte Nietzsche", gehalten von PD Dr. Friedrich Schmidt, statt.
Hauptgebäude der ETH Zürich, Raum E 33.1
Veranstalter: external page Thomas Mann Gesellschaft Zürich
Führung "Thomas Mann – ein Literaturnobelpreisträger in Zürich"
31. August 2015
Im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Einstein & Co. – Zürich und der Nobelpreis" des Stadthauses Zürich bietet das Thomas-Mann-Archiv eine Spezialführung zu Thomas Mann an:
Am Mittwoch, 16. September 2015, von 18 bis 19 Uhr, werden Hintergründe und Dokumente zur Literaturpreisverleihung im Jahr 1929 vorgestellt.
Treffpunkt: Thomas-Mann-Archiv, Schönberggasse 15. Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Ausstellung "Thomas Mann und Theodor Storm"
31. August 2015
Am 11. September wird im Buddenbrookhaus Lübeck die Ausstellung "external page Bürger auf Abwegen: Thomas Mann und Theodor Storm" eröffnet. Die Leiterin des Thomas-Mann-Archivs Zürich spricht ein Grusswort, da besonders wertvolle Leihgaben aus Thomas Manns Nachlass in der Ausstellung präsent sind: Neben Handschriften und Bänden der Autorenbibliothek wird auch eine Füllfeder Thomas Manns aus den Zürcher Beständen gezeigt.
Die Ausstellung ist vom 11. September bis 8. November 2015 geöffnet.
Handschriften und Presseartikel zu Thomas Mann jetzt online recherchieren
9. Juni 2015
Thomas-Mann-Archiv Online ermöglicht die Recherche nach sämtlichen Handschriften und Zeitungsartikeln des Thomas-Mann-Archivs. Das neue Web Frontend bietet unter anderem Zugang zu den Nachweisen von Werkmanuskripten, umfangreichen Korrespondenzbeständen, Tage- und Notizbüchern und zu den seit 1895 geführten Zeitungsdokumentationen über Thomas Manns Leben und Werk.
Hierbei handelt es sich um über 34 000 Dokumente und mehr als 80 000 Pressetexte.
Aus rechtlichen Gründen sind die digitalisierten Bestände ausschliesslich im Lesesaal des Thomas-Mann-Archivszugänglich.
Thomas-Mann-Archiv Online ist das Ergebnis eines umfangreichen Erschliessungs- und Digitalisierungsprojekts, das ein bedeutendes Kulturgut der deutschsprachigen Literatur leichter zugänglich macht und sichert.
Fotoausstellung in Moskau
27. Mai 2015
Im Puschkin Literaturmuseum werden Fotografien aus den Beständen des Thomas-Mann-Archivs Zürich gezeigt. Die Ausstellung "external page Bilder eines Schriftstellerlebens. Thomas Mann 1875 – 1955" wurde vom Thomas-Mann-Archiv für das Goethe-Institut Moskau konzipiert.
Die Ausstellung ist vom 4. Juni bis 30. September 2015 geöffnet.
18. Februar 2015
Abendführung: Bodmer – Goethe – Thomas Mann
Am Dienstag, 3. März, findet von 18.15 bis 19.15 Uhr eine öffentliche Abendführung zu Bezügen zwischen Johann Jakob Bodmer, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und Thomas Mann statt.
Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Treffpunkt: Thomas-Mann-Archiv, Schönberggasse 15.
18. Dezember 2014
Projekt Archivdatenbank online verlängert
Bis Dezember 2014 wurden rund 114'000 Einzelstücke erfasst. Das entspricht gut 95% des gesamten Handschriftenbestandes und der historischen Pressedokumentation. Zurzeit werden Abschlussarbeiten vorgenommen, so dass sämtliche Metadaten Ende März 2015 online zugänglich gemacht werden können.
Aus rechtlichen Gründen werden die Digitalisate ausschliesslich im Lesesaal des Thomas-Mann-Archivs zugänglich sein.
31. Oktober 2013
Projekt Archivdatenbank online
Die ETH-Bibliothek lancierte im September 2013 im Thomas-Mann-Archiv das Projekt "TMA_online".
Ziel ist, bis Ende 2014 den gesamten Handschriften- und Dokumentenbestand elektronisch zu erfassen und die Metadaten online zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Auf diese Weise werden die Verzeichnungsinformationen zu Thomas Manns Werknachlass, den zugehörigen Materialien und der Korrespondenz sowie zur umfangreichen historischen Zeitungsartikelsammlung erstmals in elektronischer Form angeboten.
Während der Laufzeit des Projekts kann es zu Einschränkungen in der Benutzung der Archivalien und Dokumentationsbestände kommen. Eine frühzeitige Kontaktnahme ist empfehlenswert.
Die Printmedien und Thomas Manns Nachlassbibliothek sind davon nicht betroffen.
19. September 2013
Künste im Exil
Das Thomas-Mann-Archiv beteiligt sich als Partner im Netzwerk der virtuellen Ausstellung "Künste im Exil". Koordiniert wird das Netzwerk vom Deutschen Exilarchiv 1933–1945 der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek. Die virtuelle Ausstellung "Künste im Exil" ist am 18. September 2013 eröffnet worden und wird künftig weiterhin ausgebaut.
Ausstellungsstücke des Thomas-Mann-Archivs, die Thomas Manns Exilsweg und –werk dokumentieren, können über folgende Plattform besichtigt werden: external page Thomas Mann – Macht und Ohnmacht des Literatur-Nobelpreisträgers.
12. Juni 2013
Abendführung: Thomas Mann im Wagner-Jahr
Am Dienstag, 18. Juni findet von 18.15 bis 19.15 Uhr eine öffentliche Abendführung statt. Das Thomas-Mann-Archiv präsentiert Ihnen Bestände zum Thema "Thomas Mann im Wagner-Jahr".
Treffpunkt: Thomas-Mann-Archiv, Schönberggasse 15. Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.
22. November 2012
Restauration von Thomas Manns Schreibtisch
Aus konservatorischen Gründen wird der Schreibtisch von Thomas Mann bis zum 14. Dezember 2012 nicht im Museum ausgestellt sein.
Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis.
13. September 2012
4. Schweizer Archivtag am 3. November 2012
Thomas Mann privat
Lesung mit Frido Mann: 15.00 – 15.45 Uhr
Semper-Aula, Stockwerk G, ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101
Ausstellung mit Sonderexponaten im
Thomas-Mann-Archiv: 10.00 – 16.00 Uhr
30. August 2012
Grosse kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe
Ende August ist im S.Fischer Verlag Band 12 erschienen.
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
Herausgegeben von Thomas Sprecher und Monica Bussmann
in Zusammenarbeit mit Eckhard Heftrich
29. Februar 2012
10. Davoser Literaturtage 2012
Vom 6.-10. August 2012 soll der Zauberberg noch einmal vermessen werden, das Tagungsthema lautet: "Thomas Manns Zauberberg - Neue Ansichten, neue Einsichten". Wieder treffen sich Mediziner und Literaturwissenschaftler zu Vorträgen, Seminaren und Diskussionen. Neue Quellen zum Zauberberg sollen vorgestellt werden, über pathologische Musik im Zauberberg soll gesprochen werden, über Sonderlinge, Psychopathen und andere Bergbewohner, über ärztliche Kritik am Roman und über Sterben und Suizid im Sanatorium "Berghof", über Höhenluft und Höhenlust und die Auswirkungen der Höhe auf den Menschen aus medizinischer Sicht.
29. Februar 2012
Angliederung des TMA an die ETH-Bibliothek / Neue Leitung
Das Thomas-Mann-Archiv ist per 1. Januar 2012, analog dem Max Frisch-Archiv und der Graphischen Sammlung, organisatorisch der ETH-Bibliothek angegliedert worden. Thomas Sprecher gibt im Zuge dieser Überführung die nebenamtliche Leitung per Ende Februar 2012 ab. Fortan soll die Archivleitung hauptamtlich besetzt werden.