Virtual Thomas Mann reading "Germany and the Germans

The Thomas Mann House in Pacific Palisades, a partner institution of "Thomas Mann International", the network of international Mann Houses, together with the S. Fischer publishing house has launched the initiative #MutuallyMann.
The Thomas Mann Archives are participating in the Monacensia's #femaleheritage initiative

In this context, we are pleased to draw your attention to our holdings of Katia, Erika, Monika and Elisabeth Mann.
Thomas Mann manuscripts online

Via the "Archive database online", the Thomas Mann Archives provide access to further original documents of the author.
Fourth Thomas Mann Lecture

On 4 November 2020, Prof. Dr Ritchie Robertson of the University of Oxford is a guest speaker at ETH Zurich for the lecture series on Thomas Mann. He will be speaking on the topic «Aufklärung und Gegenaufklärung auf dem Zauberberg» (in German).
Public tour of the Thomas Mann Archive on 20 October

The head of the Thomas Mann Archives, Dr. Katrin Bedenig, and the editor for Thomas Mann at S. Fischer Verlag, Roland Spahr, will present the cooperation between Thomas Mann and the S. Fischer Verlag in a discussion on Tuesday, 20 October at 6.15 pm.