Listen and reflect – fifth Thomas Mann Lecture in two languages and online

The fifth Thomas Mann Lecture was broadcast live from Zurich and Harvard and, for the first time, made available for listeners in German and English.
Thomas Mann International – network to consolidate research and promote exchange

Five institutions from four countries have joined forces to establish the Thomas Mann International (TMI) network, driving exchange and promoting research, discourse and education.
Thomas Mann und Davos

Die Öffentliche Führung, die das Thomas-Mann-Archiv (TMA) am 02.03.2021 als Zoom-Webinar anbot, stiess auf breites internationales Interesse.
Heinrich Mann digital

Am 25. März eröffnete die Akademie der Künste in Berlin die virtuelle Ausstellung Heinrich Mann digital.
Exhibition at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg

With exhibits from the Thomas Mann Archives, the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg is showing the exhibition "Europa auf Kur: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Thomas Mann und der Mythos Davos" from 18 February to 3 October 2021.