Thomas Mann Lecture with Jan Assmann

The cultural scientist and egyptologist Jan Assmann will be a guest at ETH Zurich on 30 November 2022. He will talk about references between the works of Thomas Mann and Hermann Hesse.
New location in the ETH main building

After some six years in their temporary location on the Hönggerberg campus, the Thomas Mann Archives have moved back to the city centre.
Archives for everyone

For this year’s International Archives Week (7 to 11 June 2022), the archives of ETH Zurich are opening their doors to the public. It is an opportunity to learn about their work and their offers and get involved.
Thomas Mann in the Cold War Era

A Thomas Mann Colloquium is to be held at the University of Messina from 28 to 29 April.
New head for the Thomas Mann Archives

The current head of the Max Frisch Archive, Dr Tobias Amslinger, is taking over the management of both Literary Archives at ETH Zurich on 1 February 2022.